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TERRAIN: Twinning and Engagement in net-zero tRansport tRAnsItioN




Increasingly, cities and regions are facing challenges such as traffic congestion, air pollution, limited green spaces, and weak connections between stakeholders in the mobility sector. In search of sustainable solutions to address these issues, the TERRAIN project has been launched, with the main goal of reshaping urban mobility and creating the conditions for sustainable transportation infrastructure in cities and regions.

TERRAIN is an ambitious project that brings together partners from different Adriatic-Ioanian cities and regions with the aim of upscaling mobility and creating smarter, more sustainable, and greener urban transportation solutions, focusing on innovative mobility solutions, and increased community involvement in planning mobility.

Each participating city will establish its own living lab, where various tests, pilot projects and actions in the field of mobility will take place, and where residents, businesses, and other stakeholders will actively participate in the process of developing solutions.

RRA LUR will serve as a mentor for smart mobility in the TERRAIN project, sharing its extensive knowledge and experience in developing sustainable mobility solutions with other cities.

Expected project results:

  • Establishment of nine (9) living labs in participating cities and regions to serve as testbeds for innovative mobility solutions and pilot projects.
  • Implementation of measures designed to reduce traffic congestion.
  • Increased use of low-emission and zero-emission transport options.
  • Decrease in urban air pollution through the promotion of eco-friendly transportation options and promotion of non-motorized mobility.
  • Active participation from local communities in the design, decision-making, and implementation of mobility solutions.
  • Facilitation of cross-border knowledge exchange between cities from the ESRR and IPA regions.
  • Creation of mobility solutions that can be scaled and replicated in other cities and regions beyond the project’s scope.

Project partners:

  • Centre for Research and Rechnology and Hellenic Institute of Transport (EL) – lead partner
  • Municipality of Berane (ME)
  • The City of Skopje (MK)
  • The Regional Develpoment Agency of Ljubljana Urban Region (SI)
  • Municipality of Bologna (IT)
  • University of Zagreb – Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (HR)
  • Regional Development Agency South Banat (RS)
  • Municipality of Ioannina (EL)
  • Ministrty of Traffic of Canton Sarajevo (BA)
  • Durrës Municipality (AL)

Associated partners:

  • City of Ljubljana, Department of Enviromental Protection (SI)
  • City of Pančevo (RS)
  • Association National Centre for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning Skopje (MK)


Total budget: 1.467.866,50 EUR

Budget for RDA LUR: 192.780,00 EUR

Co-financing EU for RRA LUR (85 %): 163.863,00 EUR

Project duration:

September 1st 2024  –  August 31th 2027

More information:

You are welcome to follow the project website at Interreg IPA ADRION and be sure to stay tuned for the TERRAIN project site – coming soon!