COCO4CCI: Culture and Creative Industries Cooperation Colider
Interreg Central Europe
The Culture and Creative Industry (CCI) sector lacks a transnationally and cross-sectoral shared vision on what could be the contribution of CCI to economic and social growth in Central Europe. This goes along with a lack of capacities in CCI to link up with other industry sectors to foster innovation processes.
COCO4CCI objective is to tackle this challenge and build capacities among CCI for cross-sectoral cooperation in technology and innovation oriented sector, in Advanced Manufacturing (AVM), by creating a transnational CCI collider network.
- Based on a mapping of CCIs potential and a roadmap, COCO4CCI will develop the CCI collider concept, in which CCI hubs and business support organisations (BSO) work in tandem, complementing each other with knowledge and experiences from its sector.
- COCO’s trained facilitators will implement an extensive online and face2face training programme for CCI in three areas: technology development, future trends and mindset in Advanced Manufacturing.
- COCO4CCI will develop tools to initiate and facilitate cross-sectoral linkinging up between CCI and AVM. CCI will participate in different match-making formats with AVM companies, applying open and innovative methods as design thinking, resulting in cross-sectoral cooperations.
- Sustainability and transferability is at the heart of COCO4CCI. The collider tandems develop an action (business) plan for the operation of the collider after project end. With a better understanding of tools useful for triggering innovation processes in CCI and AVM, we prepare a transnational COCO4CCI network strategy, identifying drivers of CCI development and supporting a better and more efficient exploitation of the economic and social potential of CCI in Central Europe.
Project partners:
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (SI) – lead partner
- Regional Development Agency of Ljubljana Urban Region (RRA LUR)
- Business Upper Austria (AT)
- Creative Region Linz& Upper Austria (AT)
- Creative Industry Košice, n.o. (SK)
- Slovak Business Agency (SK)
- CA‘ Foscari University of Venice (IT)
- Stuttgart Media University (DE)
- Confindustria Veneto SIAV S.p.A. (IT)
- Northern Chamber of Commerce (PL)
- Academy of Arts in Szczecin (PL)
Total budget: 2.377.444,50 EUR
Budget for RRA LUR: 158.372,50 EUR
EU Co-financing for RRA LUR: 134.616,62 EUR (85 %)
Project duration:
1st April 2019 – 31st March 2022
24. 8. 2021
Guidelines for promoting the integration of CCI with other sectors -
22. 3. 2021
Creative Mission: Presentation of solutions to the challenges -
24. 9. 2020
Phil Balagtas lecture: Futures Design Thinking -
Cultural and Creative Industries -
Cultural and Creative Industries in Europe -
Cultural and Creative Industries in Slovenia