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Local Action Group For the City and the Village

Community-led local development

The Local Action Group For the City and the Village  (slo: Lokalna akcijska skupina Za mesto in vas) is a local action group (LAG) established as an initiative of six municipalities of the Ljubljana Urban Region (Domžale, Komenda, Medvode, Mengeš, Trzin and Vodice) and the Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region.

The LAG covers an area of central Slovenia, in the Ljubljana Basin, and is bounded to the north by the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, to the east by the Posavje Hills, to the west by the Polhov Gradec Hills and to the south by the Ljubljana Plain. It is densely inhabited and largely urbanised, with an area of 236.4 km2 and a population of 72,972. The area covered by the LAG is one of the most developed areas of Slovenia, with a long tradition of small business and enterprise. It represents a homogeneous spatial unit and is faced by common developmental challenges, which we address via projects co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Regional Development Fund.

The area is well developed in economic terms, with a population characterised by a high rate of activity and a low unemployment rate. It is also rich in natural and cultural characteristics. As much as 11,087.4 ha of the LAG territory (46.9% of the total) is covered by forest, while farmland accounts for 23,640 ha or 35.5% of the territory. Despite the density of the population and the predominantly urban character of the area, the natural environment is relatively well preserved and includes highly diverse conserved habitats and a considerable number of valuable natural features. There are also 749 units of cultural heritage within the area, of which 102 are designated as monuments. Significant advantages of the area, in addition to its favourable central position, are good transport links in all directions and the fact that it lies in the direct vicinity of the economic, administrative, cultural and educational centre of Slovenia – i.e. Ljubljana.

Community-led local development (CLLD) has been identified by local actors as a suitable and significant opportunity for development that will be based on the realisation of development potentials and addressing the key challenges facing the area. The LAG is active in four thematic areas that have been identified as key for the addressing of local development needs: job creation, development of basic services, protection of the environment/nature conservation and greater inclusion of young people, women and other vulnerable groups.

The Local Development Strategy of the For the City and the Villalge LAG was confirmed by decision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food in early September 2016. This provided funding in the amount of €2,014,710 for six municipalities of the Ljubljana Urban Region – Domžale, Komenda, Medvode, Mengeš, Trzin and Vodice – to be used in the period 2016–2023 for the implementation of projects meeting the objectives of the local development strategy, where the emphasis is above all on fostering social inclusion, creating and maintaining jobs, the fight against poverty and discrimination, reducing regional differences in development and promoting the economic development of the area. A further objective is to contribute to the conservation of nature and the protection of the environment, cultural heritage, the cultural landscape and elements of the cultural landscape.

Funds have been approved from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) up to a maximum of €1,061,910.00 and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) up to a maximum of €952,800.00.

Vision and aims of the project:

The vision of the LAG is to create a safe, healthy and attractive living environment for all inhabitants. We will achieve this through the intelligent activation of endogenous potentials and the balanced sustainable development of the area in all three fields: social, economic and environmental.

Lead partner of the For the City and te Village LAG:

The Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region (RRA LUR) is the lead partner of the Za mesto in vas LAG. RRA LUR is a public organisation with the human resources, financial and administrative capacities to lead the local action group (LAG) and ensure its operational activity. It represents the For the City and the Villalge LAG in administrative and financial matters, manages its current account and carries out on its behalf other tasks described in greater detail in the agreement between the For the City and the Villalge LAG and the lead partner.

Principal activities of the lead partner for the achievement of aims:

  • publication of open calls on behalf of the LAG;
  • informing the public about current issues connected to the LAG;
  • running workshops for inhabitants of the LAG area;
  • production of promotional material;
  • submission of applications in response to calls for proposals under sub-measure 19.3 – cooperation activities;
  • notification of operations to the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Agricultural Markets and Rural Development (ARSKTRP) and the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (MGRT);
  • submission of changes to operations to ARSKTRP and MGRT;
  • submission of requests for payment to ARSKTRP and MGRT;
  • submission of changes to the Local Development Strategy to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food.

Source of co-financing:

The For the City and the Villalge LAG is entitled to up to €398,942.00 for the implementation of sub-measure 19.4 “Running costs and animation”, to be allocated from the lead fund of the EAFRD.

You can read more about the CLLD instrument on the website of the Rural Development Programme or the European Commission website.