Creative cities: Developement and Promotion of Creative Industry Potentials in Central European Cities
Developement and Promotion of Creative Industry Potentials in Central European Cities
Central Europe
Objectives and goals of the project
CREATIVE CITIES’ objective is to exploit creative industry potentials for more competitive and attractive cities. Five Central European cities (Gdansk, Genoa, Leipzig, Ljubljana, Pecs) joined to:
- improve framework conditions and to initialise creative industry clusters,
- promote entrepreneurial skills and competitiveness of creative industries,
- improve creative industry external visibility through transnational marketing and networking,
- exploit potentials in the development of decayed urban areas through the allocation of creative industries in those city districts.
Furthermore, all project partners will provide valuable input to policy debates (anticipated Green Paper on Cultural and Creative Industries) and recommendations for other cities aiming to promote their creative industry potentials. Besides, transnational cooperation between five comparable Central European cities and close cooperation with EUROCITIES will be also important. The project will be promoted by five cities – public authorities, which have the political competences to integrate project results into local plans and strategies. Main project activities are:
- Establishment, institutionalisation and transnational networking of creative industry clusters
- Elaboration and testing of transnational cluster marketing tools
- Promotion of creative clusters’ competitiveness based on European good practices
- Elaboration of recommendations for other cities (close cooperation with EUROCITIES)
- Contributions to policy debates (anticipated Green Paper on Cultural and Creative Industries)
Project results
- Contribution to Green Paper on Cultural and Creative Industries
- Institutionalised clusters of creative industries and durable transnational networks
- Joint Action Plan for promotion of creative industries
- Qualified cluster contact points
- Tested and endorsed cluster marketing programmes
- Transnational study on urban location factors of creative industry enterprises
- Recommendations for other cities on “creative” district development (EUROCITIES)
- Wide dissemination and communication
- 5 major conferences embedded in European initiatives such as the Capital of Culture (Pecs in 2010) and the Polish European Council Presidency in 2011
Project partners
Slovenian partners: Regional development agenci of Ljubljana urban region (RRA LUR) and Institute for Economic Research (IER)
Other partners: City of Leipzig, Germany (co-ordinator), Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig, Germany, Gdansk Entrepreneurship Foundation, Poland, Municipality of Genoa – Culture Department, Italy, City Hall of Gdansk, Poland, Job Centre, Italy, City of Pecs, Hungary, Cultural Innovation Competency Centre Association, Hungary, German Association for Housing, Urban and Spatial Development, Germany.
Total budget: 2.555.268,00 EUR
RRA LUR budget: 305.137,00 EUR
85 % EU cofinancing: 259.366,45 EUR and 15 % RRA LUR cofinancing: 45.770,55 EUR
Time frame
1 January 2010 – 31 December 2012