TAAS: Tourism as a Service; a 360 degrees tourism experience
Interreg Europe
Aiming at adding on Smarter Europe achievement, 8 (TAAS) areas (South Aegean Region, GR; Tampere, FI; Aspres Community of Municipalities, FR; Ljubljana, SL; Fano, IT; Donegal, IE, Stockholm, SE; Zuid – Limburg, NE) with a special interest on tourism transformation, join forces to accelerate tourism digitalization and improve related policy instruments supporting smart and sustainable development. TAAS experience exchange supports identifying innovative digital tools and channels at the different stages of a trip (‘TAAS cycle’) that can act simultaneously as economic and sustainability boosters. TAAS cycle approach takes into account the whole trip experience. TAAS focuses on tourism-related policy instruments improvement & relevant capacity building is crucial for ensuring the project’s long-term impact. By enhancing tourism-related (8) policy instruments, TAAS can contribute and has the potential to be a model for other areas seeking the creation of smarter, more sustainable, and more resilient tourism destinations.
TAAS focuses on digitalizing tourism with a dual objective: 1) it aims to enhance tourist experience by promoting responsible behaviors such as selecting sustainable transport options, exploring off-the-beaten-path areas, supporting local economies, and respecting natural/cultural heritage & 2)it strives to leverage data-driven approaches resulting from these interventions to create a conducive environment for long-term, smart tourism plans.
Central to TAAS is the exchange of experiences in innovative tourism solutions. TAAS necessitated the participation of areas that are already established tourist destinations, indicating a higher development level, without however implying a lack of diversification (type of tourists, needs, innovation/sustainability level, etc) while acting as innovation benchmarks to guide less developed areas within their regions (linked with communication activities). Through peer-to-peer mentoring, TAAS partners are committed to developing a roadmap for enhancing TAAS PIs.
Project partners:
- Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) (Greece) – lead partner
- Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban region (RRA LUR)
- Centre for Research and Technology Hellas(CERTH), Greece
- Region of South Aegean, Greece
- Visit Tampere Ltd; Finland
- 226,800.004
- City of Fano, Italy
- Atlantic Technological University, Ireland
- City of Stockholm, Sweden
- Visit Zuid-Limburg, Netherlands
- Inter-communal Tourist Office Aspres-Thuir, France
Total budget: 1.895.850,00 EUR
Budget for RRA LUR: 191.900,00 EUR
Co-financing EU for RRA LUR (80 %): 153.520,00 EUR
Project duration:
April 1st 2024 – June 30th 2028