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Urban Diversity: migrant entrepreneurship and creativity

The premise of the project is that migrant entrepreneurs live, work, and create in both cities – Ljubljana and Graz. Although these cities offer them some programmes of encouragement and assistance, they still face many administrative, legal, and social barriers that hinder them in their work as well as in their daily activities.


Interreg V-A Slovenia-Austria

Purpose of the project:

The purpose of the Urban Diversity project is to gain knowledge for the establishment of concrete instruments and strategies aimed at developing creativity, encouraging the operation of SMEs and the active participation and empowerment of migrants. To this end, transnational communication platforms and creative environments will be developed within the project activities, which encourage cooperation between migrant entrepreneurs, creatives, local authorities, and residents of both cities. All project activities pay special attention to the promotion of political, economic and social equality of migrants and their active involvement in all spheres of social life and creative production, with special emphasis on education and the acquisition of special skills, knowledge, new business ties and opportunities.

The project creates positive promotion in society, which leads to more successful integration of migrants, a more tolerant attitude of the local population towards the integration of migrants into society and prevents alienation, marginalization, or isolation in society. In the long run, it leads to greater cohesion in both cities and the region, to greater economic competitiveness of the region and its openness to the world.

Project Partners:

  • Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU, SI) – Lead Partner
  • Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region (SI)
  • City of Graz, Department for Development of Economy and Tourism (AT)
  • Educational institution Martin (AT)


Total Budget: 839.934,60 EUR

RRA LUR Budget: 102.700,00 EUR

Co-financing EU for RRA LUR – ERDF (85%): 87.295,00 EUR

Project duration:

1st May 2017 – 30th April 2020