PoLJUBA: Rehabilitation and Conservation of Wetland Habitats in the area of Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park
ERDF – European regional development fund
The purpose of the PoLJUBA project is to restore and maintain wetlands in the area of Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park. The overall objective of the project is to establish, improve and maintain a favourable state of habitat types and species. The specific objectives of the project are to: ensure proper management in the area of habitats of the species and habitat types, enrich the populations of certain species under consideration with supplementation and reintroduction, reduce the extent of prevalence of non-indigenous invasive species, implement tailor made agricultural practices.
- Proper land management in the area of habitats and species concerned;
- Successful supplementation and reintroduction of populations of certain species considered;
- Reduced the extent of prevalence of non-indigenous invasive species,
- Implemented adapted agricultural practice;
- Improved quality of habitat types or habitat species (revitalization) in the area of 60.9 ha;
- Restoration of habitats / populations of species or habitat types (renaturation) in the area of 65,5 ha;
- Conservation of habitat types or habitat species in the area of 6.6 ha.
Project partner:
- Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park Public Institute (JZ KPLB)
- Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation (ZRSVN)
- BirdLife Slovenia (Društvo za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije) (DOPPS)
- Regional Development Agency of Ljubljana Urban Region (RRA LUR)
Total budget 4.126.452,00 EUR
Cofinancing from EU funds: 3.294.045,00 EUR
Cofinancing from State budget: 823.511,00 EUR
Cofinancing from partners budget: 8.896,00 EUR
Project duration:
January 1st 2018 – September 30th 2023