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SMAPE: Shared Mobility Action Programme Exchange


Interreg Europe


Due to urbanisation, transport demand in cities and regions in Europe is still growing. Although a modal shift is visible from private cars to more sustainable modes of transport, in absolute numbers car use still increases, leading to (at least) unchanged emissions and congestion. Above all, cars still occupy a vast amount of space in cities, affecting liveability. In medium and small cities and rural areas, public transport services are decreasing in quality and quantity leading to car dependency and potential transport poverty. Many cities and regions started to address this challenge by introducing policies focusing on stimulation of shared mobility and to facilitate pilots and large-scale uptake of shared mobility services as these provide interesting benefits: More travel options, lower car dependency, car ownership and car use, safer and more liveable streets, higher use of sustainable and healthy modes such as walking, cycling, public transport and reduction of transport related emissions. Many policy makers are struggling with finding the right policy tools and concrete actions to accelerate the growth of (new forms of) shared mobility.


The Shared Mobility Action Programmes Exchange (SMAPE) project aims to improve shared mobility policies. The project will focus on aspects like shared mobility integration with public transport and Mobility as a Service, usage of data (dashboards) for monitoring and policy adjustments and data sharing, influence attitude and behaviour, optimising the mix of mobility modes, regulations, frameworks for public private partnerships and policy recommendations and contributions to Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs).

Project partners:

  • Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban region
  • Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Germany (lead partner)
  • Province of Brescia, Italy
  • Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency, Romania
  • City of Bergen, Norway
  • University of West Attica, Greece
  • Walloon Public Transport Authority, Belgium
  • Region of North Aegean, Greece

Advisory partners:

  • – Carshare Belgium, Belgium
  • Promotion of Operational Links with Integrated Services (POLIS), Belgium


Total budget: 2.285.846,00 EUR

Budget for RRA LUR: 188.250,00 EUR

Co-financing EU for RRA LUR (80 %): 150.600,00 EUR

Project duration:

January 1st 2023  – March 31st 2027