SYMBI pilot project: Industrial symbiosis for regional sustainable growth and a resource efficient circular economy
Interreg Europe
Purpose and goal:
SYMBI General objective is to empower regions to build sustainable economies, resilient to environmental pressures and climate change.
The pilot project specific aim is to empower regional stakeholders on the basis of various trainings for the diffusion of industrial symbiosis, to add value, reduce production costs and relieve environmental pressures through increased resource efficiency and green house gas emissions.
Results/main activities:
- Training for representatives of regional support institutions in the field of circular economy (one workshop).
- Training for representatives of regional support institutions in the field of industrial symbiosis (set of comprehensive workshops).
- Mapping of SMEs to establish cooperation and to spread industrial symbiosis.
- Developing a strategy for communicating with SMEs.
- Preparing an open invitation to work with SMEs in the field of industrial symbiosis.
- Collaboration and business visits.
- Establishment of consortiums for participation in industrial symbiosis.
Project partners:
- Foundation FUNDECYT Scientific and Technological Park of Extremadura, Spain – lead partner
- Regional development agency of the Ljubljana urban region (RRA LUR), Slovenia
- Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy (GODC), Slovenia
- Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development, Spain
- The Malopolska Region, Poland
- Chamber of Commerce of Molise, Italy
- Municipality of Kozani, Development and Planning Bureau, Greece
- Pannon novum West-transdanubian regional innovation non-profit ltd, Hungary
- Regional Council of Häme, Finland
- Häme University of Applied Sciences Ltd, Finland
Total budget: 58.430,00 EUR
Budget for RRA LUR: 58.430,00 EUR
EU Co-financing for RRA LUR (85 %): 49.665,50 EUR
RRA LUR Co-financing (15 %): 8.764,50 EUR
Project duration:
1st July 2019 – 30th September 2022