OJP4Danube: Coordination mechanisms for multimodal cross-border traveller information network based on OJP for Danube Region
Interreg Danube
Purpose and goal:
OJP4Danube’s main objective is the integration of cross-border/cross-organisational coordination mechanisms and the better technical and organisational alignment of transport operators and travel information service providers from different governance levels with regard to the development of a fully multimodal cross-border traveller information network – based on the novel and innovative approach of Open Journey Planning (OJP).
The objective is the development of a multimodal cross-border traveller information network connecting local and regional public transport networks with main transport corridors (railway) that shall be enriched with bike routes and cycling relevant travel info needed in multimodal trips.
Expected results:
The main result is a strengthened and interconnected digital infrastructure that is aligned on organisational and technical level between key actors across the borders and eases the integrated supply of cross-border multimodal traveller information on transport corridors crossing the DR and the connected regional and local networks by the novel approach of OJP. Building on the learnings and interfaces developed in LinkingDanube this project will go two steps further by exploiting the advantages of considering the full multimodal transport chain with bike routing as central aspect. Along the exchange infrastructure built up in the project the data sources can be interconnected on demand. This is highly beneficial as it will be possible to access information outside of the coverage area of the single systems. For travellers in the DR this digital traveller information network will strengthen the accessibility of sustainable transport options (also outside of the own town or region) with emphasis on bike (esp. for local and regional mobility) and on public transport (rail, bus, ferries). Travellers will get detailed information for local multimodal trips as well as for multimodal long distance trips within one single service incl. all available modes, routing and details of their journey. OJP4Danube will pay particular attention to bike mobility for tourists, but also for daily commuters. The digital traveller information network will close information gaps on missing links in the transport chains.
Project partners:
- AustriaTech Federal Agency for Technological Measures Ltd., AUSTRIA – vodilni partner
- Traffic Information Austria, AUSTRIA
- Railway Company Slovakia, j.s.c., SLOVAKIA
- University of Zilina, SLOVAKIA
- Regional Development Agency of Ljubljana Urban Region, SLOVENIJA
- University of Maribor, SLOVENIJA
- GyőrSopronEbenfurt Railway Corp., hUNGARY
- GLI Solutions LLC, HUNGARY
- Institute for Computer Science and Control, HUNGARY
- Politehnica University of Timisoara, ROMANIA
- Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb, CROATIA
- Knowledge Hub Moldova, MOLDOVA
- DELFI association, GERMANY
Associated partners:
- Priority Area 1b of the EUSDR Coordinator, SLOVENIA
- Timisoara Metropolitan Transport Society, ROMANIA
- National Railway Passenger Company “CFR Călători” – S.A., ROMANIA
- Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications, ROMANIA
- Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Infrastructure, Land Transport Directorate, National Traffic Management Centre, SLOVENIA
Total budget: 3.005.633,41 EUR
Budget for RRA LUR: 170.065,00 EUR
EU Co-financing for RRA LUR (85 %): 144.555,25 EUR
RRA LUR Co-financing (15 %): 25.509,75 EUR
Project duration:
1st July 2020 – 31st December 2022