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Linking Danube: Environmentally-friendly Mobility in the Danube Region

Linking transnational, multimodal traveller information and journey planners for environmentally-friendly mobility in the Danube Region


Interreg Danube

Purpose and goal of the project

LinkingDanube tackles the problem of insufficient provision of cross-border traveller information on public transport, particularly considering cross-border commuting and mobility in rural areas. The overall project objective is to foster environmentally-friendly mobility options and balanced accessibility in the Danube Region.

Planed objective should be fostered by the provision of transnational, interoperable and multimodal journey planners covering urban but also rural areas. Currently no suitable multimodal, transnational system for travellers exists anywhere in Europe. LinkingDanube will follow a decentralised approach where existing regional systems are connected by linking services.

LinkingDanube especially focuses on connecting less accessible areas in the Danube region by linking alternative public transport services and integrating demand transport data into the services. Therefore, the integration of transport-on-demand service information is one of the core elements in the project.

One main output is the LinkingDanube Concept for transnational, multimodal journey planning services. The Concept shall serve as input both for the technical development work within LinkingDanube as well as for uptake by project externals. The LinkingDanube Service (Technical Tool) will build on existing systems and will be implemented in a decentralised way ensuring high-quality data. All decentralised journey planners can be addressed through an open interface, ensuring transnational routing via one central application operated by end-user service providers.

Project partners:

  • AustriaTech Federal Agency for Technological Measures Ltd., AUSTRIA (lead partner)
  • POLITEHNICA University of Timisoara, ROMANIA
  • Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region , SLOVENIA
  • Railway Company Slovakia, j.s.c. , SLOVAKIA
  • Ministry of Infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia, SLOVENIA
  • GyőrSopronEbenfurt Railway Corp., HUNGARY
  • Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences , HUNGARY
  • National Mobile Payment Plc., HUNGARY
  • Priority Area 1B Coordinator of the EUSDR  Associated partner, SLOVENIA
  • Knowledge HUB Moldova  Associated partner, MOLDOVA
  • Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure  Associated partner, CROATIA


Total budget of the project: 2.917.930,50 EUR

Total project value for RRA LUR: 246.614,01 EUR

EU co-financing (85 %): 209.621,90 EUR

RRA LUR co-financing (15 %): 36.992,11 EUR

Project duration:

1st January 2017 – 1st June 2019