Site map
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Active projects
- TERRAIN: Twinning and Engagement in net-zero tRansport tRAnsItioN
- DiversE: Integration of bioDIVERSity conservation within bioEnergy production for a low-carbon energy mix in the Alpine region
- CulturalRoad: Integrating European diversity in the design, development and implementation of CCAM solutions to support mobility equity (CCAM Partnership)
- CLEAR CITIES: Promoting Carbon-Less Urban Waste management policies for sustainable, safe, and resilient cities
- TAAS: Tourism as a Service; a 360 degrees tourism experience
- Sustainable Urban Future Through Management of Drought and Conserving Wetlands
- ECOLE: ECO industrial park network for the Alpine Regions Leveraging smart and Circular Economy
- SMAPE: Shared Mobility Action Programme Exchange
- ProSUMP: Regional exchange of knowledge and best practices of sustainable urban mobility planning with the countries of the Western Balkans
- Local Action Group For the City and the Village
Completed projects
- SmartMOVE: Smart Solutions for Sustainable Mobility
- ReMOBIL: REgional centers of MOBILity
- Inter-Connect PLUS: Intermodality Promotion and Rail Renaissance in Adriatic – Ionian Region
- SMART-MR: Sustainable Measures for Achieving Resilient Transportation in Metropolitan Regions
- PONI LUR: An entrepreneurial approach to challenges in the Ljubljana Urban Region
- TRIBUTE: Sustainable mobility services tailored to users’ needs
- CIVITAS FastTrack: Coordination and Support Action: Fast-track and mainstream the replication of innovative, urban, peri-urban, and rural mobility solutions
- SYMBI: Industrial symbiosis for regional sustainable growth and a resource efficient circular economy
- CIVITAS SUMP-PLUS: Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning - Pathways and Links to Urban Systems
- OJP4Danube: Coordination mechanisms for multimodal cross-border traveller information network based on OJP for Danube Region
- CINEMA: Creative Industries for New Urban Economies in the Danube Region
- LinkingAlps: Innovative Tools and Strategies for Linking Mobility Services for a Decarbonised Alpine space
- SECAP: Supporting energy and climate adaptation policies
- COCO4CCI: Culture and Creative Industries Cooperation Colider
- Peripheral Access: Transnational cooperation and partnership for better public transport in peripheral and cross-border regions
- CRE:HUB: Policies for cultural CREreative industries: The HUB for innovative regional development
- PERFECT: Planning for Environment and Resource eFficiency in European Cities and Towns
- MUSE: Cross-border collaboration for sustainable and energy efficient University mobility
- SPOT IO: Investment Opportunities in the Ljubljana Urban Region
- ForHeritage: Excellence for Integrated Heritage Management in Central Europe
- PoLJUBA: Rehabilitation and Conservation of Wetland Habitats in the area of Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park
- STAR Cities: Sustainable Tourism for Attractivity of Riverside Cities
- FORTIS: Innovative Solutions to Foster Institutional Cooperation in Cross Border Regions
- SUSTOURISMO: Sustainable Tourism & Mobility Hand-by-Hand development
- InnoRenew CoE: Renewable materials and healthy environments research and innovation centre of excellence
- ROBUST: Rural-urban outlooks: unlocking synergies
- SYMBI pilot project: Industrial symbiosis for regional sustainable growth and a resource efficient circular economy
- Urban Diversity: migrant entrepreneurship and creativity
- Inter-Connect: Promoting intermodality and revitalizing rail passenger transport in the Adriatic-Ioninan macro-region
- Regional Scholarship Scheme LUR
- RCKE: Regional Centre of Creative Economy
- TURAS Transitioning towards Urban Resilience and Sustainability
- AlpSib
- Linking Danube: Environmentally-friendly Mobility in the Danube Region
- Regional Guarantee Scheme in the Ljubljana Urban Region
- Forget Heritage: Innovative, replicable and sustainable Private Public Cooperation management models of the abandoned historical sites by setting up Cultural and Creative Industries
- Creative cities: Developement and Promotion of Creative Industry Potentials in Central European Cities
- CCAlps: creating a real and virtual network of hubs in the Alps, putting creativity and innovation at the centre
- Let's go
- CREA - Summer Academy
- CLUNET: Cluster Networking and Exchange via the Themes of Internationalisation and Incubation
- RAIL4SEE: Railway Hub Cities in the South East Europe
- RAILHUC: Railway Hub Cities and TEN-T Network
- Creative Startup
Active projects
- Ljubljana Urban Region on the Path to Carbon Neutrality: First Stakeholder Meeting of the TERRAIN Project
- 1st International Webinar of the TAAS Project – Exploring Best Practices in Tourism Digitalization
- Free webinar: Exploring Best Practices in Tourism Digitalization
- The 📽 Story of Cooperation Between Izmir and Ljubljana, Uniting Against Drought and for Conservation of Wetlands
- Action Plan for Tackling Drought and Protecting Wetlands in Ljubljana and Izmir Unveiled at Final Conference
- The Annual POLIS Conference 2024: Strengthening Governance for Sustainable Mobility in Regions
- TERRAIN Project Kicks Off in Greece: A Milestone for Sustainable Mobility in the Adriatic-Ionian Region
- Project DiversE gained momentum following the kick-off meeting
- Izmir and Ljubljana unite to fight drought and protect wetlands
- Clear Cities Project: Together Towards a Lower Carbon Footprint in Waste Management
- A View on Sustainable Mobility of Students at the University of Ljubljana: Geoštram Final Event
- Kick-off meeting of the Clear Cities project in Gijón - exchange of knowledge for better policies of waste management
- Shared mobility in the Ljubljana Urban Region
- Ljubljana and Izmir join forces in the fight against drought and for wetland conservation
- Regions of West Balkans devoted to the developement of urban sustainable mobility
- Sustainable mobility - companies turning on the light at the end of the tunnel
- SmartMOVE employer’s approach to sustainable mobility in Ljubljana urban region presented at POLIS 2023
- Exploring good circular practices in Austria
- RRA LUR accelerates economic collaboration with Japan
- How does shared mobility create greener and more pleasant cities?
- Excellent prospect of strengthening bilateral cooperation with the People's Republic of China
- Ljubljana urban region visited from journalist of Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- RRA LUR empowering Sustainable Urban Mobility in Belgrade
- Slovenia and Norway sustainble mobility & tourism expert’s exchange: SmartMOVE for future collaboration
- ECOLE Partnership Meeting in Ljubljana successfully conceives new steps to introduce circular principles in 10 industrial zones in Europe
- 1st Intraregional Stakeholders workshop in Ljubljana urban region
- Successful bilateral cooperation with the Japanese prefectures of Kyoto and Oita
- Norwegian delegation presented with Slovenian good mobility practices
- Users of pilot shuttle transfers to workplaces in UKC and BTC highly satisfied with the service
- RRA LUR in Budapest, exchanging experiences on the establishment of an e-bike sharing system
- How to successfully manage mobility in a company?
- The future of mobility lies in the cooperation of public passenger transport and alternative forms of transport
- The 5th and last newsletter of the SUSTOURISMO project issued
- RRA LUR e-mobility practice exchange in USER-CHI visit in Rome
- May 2023 be happy and full of inspiration
- SmartMOVE Project Committee Meeting - engagement of all involved partners indicates a success story in addressing the management of employee mobility
- RRA LUR ramping up regions on POLIS 2022 conference
- RRA LUR replicates and promotes mobility practices in Western Balkans
- RRA LUR invites to join SEEMEET 2022 Online Conference – free registration still open
- The Development Council of the Western Slovenia Cohesion Region approves a draft document for securing EUR 3.2 billion of EU funds at meeting
- All on the same path: participation of regional development agencies in the first Slovenian cycling conference
- Life Cycle Assessment Voucher: Funding mechanism that can bring various benefits for SMEs
- SmartMOVE & ReMOBIL – new projects that will have a great impact on the developement of sustainable mobility in our region
- CER Partnership introduces SmartMOVE and the potential of sustainable mobility to member companies
- RRA LUR organized the first online event, which was attended by as many as 47 cities of the Western Balkans
- The countries of the Western Balkans to develop skills and mobility strategies with the help of RRA LUR
- FORTIS project event
- Sustainable urban mobility plan of LUR replicated within POLIS Regions Working Group
- Participation of RRA LUR at the meeting of the FastTrack project
- FORTIS final conference
- You are invited to the final conference of the Inter-Connect PLUS project
- Ljubljana regional cycling policies given floor at VeloCity 2022 conference
- Mobility during COVID-19 in the Ljubljana urban region event
- With the SmartMOVE project to efficient mobility planning and implementation of dynamic collective transport
- CINEMA invitation - "POP-UP SHOP WINDOW"
- Creative Collaborations for the Future
- Policy recommendation COCO4CCI
- Final COCO4CCI conference
- Feasibility study of maritime passenger transport between Slovenia and Italy avaliable
- RRA LUR strengthens and promotes gender equality
- Bee Friendly Region at Expo Dubai
- Happy New Year 2022
- Ljubljana regional cycling connectivity at POLIS Annual Conference 2021
- CIVITAS Winter Couse
- Invitation to the online STAR Cities European Conference
- STAR Cities Good Practice Guide
- EU regional mobility practices and future finances at CIVITAS Forum 2021
- 3rd Sustourismo newsletter
- Invitation – SUSTOURISMO Webinar BEHAVIOURAL CHANGE: pushing sustainable mobility options and alternative destinations
- Invitation to the online OJP4EUROPE meeting
- Invitation to the online ROBUST final conference – Rural urban outlooks in Europe
- Guidelines for promoting the integration of cultural and creative industries with other sectors
- Entrepreneurship in Kamnik goes hand in hand with the tradition
- Promotion of smart-mobility development in Ljubljana urban region
- The Report on National and Regional Procedures and the Legislative Framework for the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency is now available
- The Action Plan to promote institutional dialogue is now available
- Invitation - SUSTOURISMO Webinar
- Creative Mission: Presentation of solutions to the challenges
- The latest newsletter of the Inter-Connect project
- First SUMP-PLUS project meeting
- Workshop "Speculative Design: Approach, Methods and Tools"
- Creative Mission: Company visits
- Join the Hello, Futures! online event - Speculative design: Approach, methods and tools
- Start of Creative mission
- Updated version of tools for better governance and financing of cultural heritage
- The third partners meeting the ForHeritage project: Testing of tools for better management and financing of cultural heritage
- Pilot managers present the pilot sites - ForHeritage Tools to be tested in four cities
- INDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS IN PRACTICE: Following The Slovenian Pilot Project Symbi
- 2nd edition of Newsletter series of the FORTIS project
- SAVE THE DATE for the 1st SUSTOURISMO Webinar Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Mobility for Tourism in the EU
- Invitation on SMART-MR Final Web-Conference on 26th and 27 th of November 202
- The Inter-Connect project participates in thematic cluster on urban and interurban low carbon intermodal mobility for passengers
- Invitation on OJP4Danube Kick-off dissemination event I 24th of November 2020
- Cross-border public transport between Italy and Slovenia
- Third Interactive Interregional Learning Session of STAR Cities project this time virtually
- Tools for better management and financing of cultural heritage
- Co-creating future of regional transport on Urban Mobility Days 2020
- Phil Balagtas lecture: Futures Design Thinking
- Join the Hello, Futures! online event
- At the EURADE website on good practices in mitigating the effects of COVID-19 in the field of tourism
- Start of construction of the largest wooden building in Slovenia
- Sixth P+R car park in Ljubljana
- European funding for all who wish to realise a business idea in the LUR
- Progress in implementing the Action plan for the development of the Cultural and Creative sector in the LUR
- A remarkable achievement for science and nature conservation – the successful reintroduction of the false ringlet, one of the most endangered species of butterfly in Europe
- RRA LUR using the Avant2Go service
- The second set of training for regional actors on the topic of industrial symbiosis
- Action plan of the PERFECT project for the promotion of green infrastructure
- RRA LUR participates in the formulation of European innovation ecosystems policy for the period 2021–2027
- Implementation of the Action plan for the development of the Cultural and Creative sector in LUR
- Zlati Kamen conference with an emphasis on sustainable mobility
- RRA LUR awarded “CAF User” label
- Fifth meeting of the Inter-Connect project in Ljubljana
- Joint video to mark the conclusion of the Forget Heritage project
- The first set of training for regional actors on the topic of Industrial Symbiosis
- LUR Integrated Transport Strategy presented at Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona
- CONNECTIONS IN CREATIVE SPACES – Urban Diversity Creative Voucher
- Spreading knowledge about sustainable mobility and good practices in the region
- Video about the Writers’ Hub – A space for (co-)working, meeting, retreating and connecting
- Integrated Transport Strategy of the Ljubljana Urban Region as an example of good practice at the sixth European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP 2019)
- Official opening of the secured E-bike storage
- Innovative paper products designed according to circular design principles
- Third Locally Grown Food Exchange takes place at the ABC HUB incubator in BTC City
- Numerous opportunities for cooperation between Yucatán and the Ljubljana Urban Region
- Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region wins “Creators for Centuries” award
- Open innovation workshop with presentation of innovative solutions for the use of paper in interior design
- State of Yucatán hosts representatives of the Ljubljana Urban Region
- Integrated Transport Strategy – a new and innovative strategic document for the LUR
- A new space for (co-)working, meeting, retreating and connecting
- On-demand transport represents a great potential for traffic regulation in the Ljubljana Urban Region
- RRA LUR hosts the third meeting of ROBUST project partners
- Let’s Stay Mobile – European Mobility Week in the Ljubljana Urban Region
- Green infrastructure as a starting point for spatial planning
- 7th award for the Regional Creative Economy Centre
- Working meeting with presentation of proposed measures to strengthen the cultural and creative sector
- SMART-MR presentation video
- RRA LUR presents good practices in the promotion of cultural and creative sector development to Croatian creatives
- First Locally Grown Food Exchange in the Central Slovenia region enjoys excellent response
- Two regional development agreements signed
- Study of the navigability of the river Ljubljanica wins Golden Pencil in spatial planning category
- New victory for the CREA Ljubljana team
- SMART-MR: How can the public contribute to effective traffic planning?
- Innovative solutions for the development, implementation and maintenance of green infrastructure
- RRA LUR actively involved in the Government visit to the Central Slovenia region
- Green Infrastructure Conference Announcement
- Preparations for government visit to Central Slovenia region
- Most important projects for inclusion in draft Regional Development Agreement approved
- Prize for the “Set of parlour games for elderly dementia sufferers/D9” project
- Golden Pencil 2015: Study of P+R Locations
- From Idea to Users – the Summer Academy “Cities of the Future through Service Innovations” opens its doors
- Where we are
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