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SMART-MR: Sustainable Measures for Achieving Resilient Transportation in Metropolitan Regions



Purpose and goal of the project:

SMART-MR supports the exchange and transfer of good practices on integrative transport and mobility planning in metropolitan regions and helps them improve transport policies and provide sustainable measures for achieving resilient low carbon transportation. To achieve this objective and to develop action plans, 10 project partners representing 8 metropolitan regions from 8 European countries will share their experience among themselves, with stakeholders directly engaged in the project activities, and with the external public through participation in the low carbon economy platform and by transferring the results of interregional learning process to the main regional stakeholders.

The key project outputs include a guide on sustainable measures for achieving low-carbon and resilient transportation in metropolitan regions, selected good practice descriptions, and policy recommendations.

Project partners:

  • Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenia (lead partner)
  • Regional Development Agency of Ljubljana Urban Region, Slovenia
  • City of Oslo, The Agency of Urban Environment, Norway
  • Akershus County Council, Norway
  • Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities, Sweden
  • Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority, Finland BKK Centre for Budapest Transport, Hungary
  • Metropolitan City of Capital Rome, Italy
  • Porto Metropolitan Area, Portugal
  • Barcelona Metropolitan Area, Spain


Total budget of the project: 2.215.566,00 EUR

Total price value for RRA LUR: 115.000,00 EUR

EU co-financing (85 %): 97.752,55 EUR

RRA LUR co-financing (15 %): 17.250,45 EUR

Project duration:

Phase 1: April 1st 2016 – March 31st 2019,  Phase 2: April 1st 2019 – March 31st 2021, Phase 3: October 1st 2021 – March 31st 2023