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Action Plan for Tackling Drought and Protecting Wetlands in Ljubljana and Izmir Unveiled at Final Conference

  • 23. 12. 2024

On Friday, December 20, 2024, the final conference of the project Managing Drought and Preserving Wetlands for a Sustainable Urban Future took place in Izmir. The project brought together the cities of Izmir and Ljubljana under the Twinning Cities for a Green Future program. The main focus of the event was the presentation of the Action Plan for Wetland Protection and Drought Management in both cities.

The closing event, organized by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, brought together project partners, stakeholders, experts, and members of the press. Slovenian partners were able to participate remotely. The Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region (RRA LUR) played a coordinating role in the project, while the City of Ljubljana and DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia contributed their expertise. The audience was greeted by introductory speeches by Şafak ARSLAN from Doga Dernegi BirdLife International, Neptün SOYER, Chairman of the Agricultural Development Cooperatives Union in Izmir (S.S. Köy-Koop İzmir Union), Ziya ÇAVDAR, Head of the Department of Agricultural Services at Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and Brina Medvešček from RRA LUR.

The project included several activities, with two professional conferences as highlights. The first conference, held in September in Ljubljana, was organized by Slovenian partners and featured a study visit to the Ljubljana Marshes. In October 2024, project teams gathered in Izmir, where a rich day of conferences was followed by a field visit to the Gediz River Delta. This series of events enabled intensive knowledge exchange and sharing of best practices in drought management and wetland conservation, directly contributing to the development of the Action Plan.

The Action Plan for Wetland Protection and Drought Management for Izmir and Ljubljana was developed through project activities, building on EU-level policies and recommendations for mitigating drought and preserving wetlands in urban and rural areas. It incorporates lessons learned, shared expertise, and practical solutions for sustainable agriculture and water resource management. The Action Plan will be available online by the end of 2024 in Turkish, English, and Slovenian language.

The conference in Izmir provided an opportunity to discuss the newly developed Action Plan and emphasized the critical role of international partnerships in addressing global environmental challenges. Both cities stand to benefit from the Action Plan, which offers strategic steps to enhance resilience to climate change. The connections and shared experiences between Izmir and Ljubljana highlight the power of international collaboration in achieving a sustainable urban future and protecting vital urban ecosystems.