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Mobility during COVID-19 in the Ljubljana urban region event

  • 13. 6. 2022

On 26 of May 2022, the online event: Mobility during COVID-19 in the Ljubljana urban region, was organized as part of the Smart-MR and Inter-Connect PLUS projects, which address challenges and problems in the field of sustainable mobility and promote the use of intermodality in the region and beyond.

Klemen Gostič (RRA LUR) welcomed all participants and as the first speaker of the meeting presented European measures and good practices for the development of mobility during COVID-19, which were collected within the Smart-MR project, which otherwise wants to support local and regional authorities in improving transport policy and ensuring sustainable measures to achieve flexible low-carbon mobility in metropolitan regions. This was followed by a presentation by Špela Praznik (RRA LUR), who presented the results of stakeholders and public survey on mobility during COVID-19, collected within the Inter-Connect PLUS project, which otherwise deals with improving the accessibility of countries in the Adriatic-Ionian macro-regions and promotes intermodal passenger transport and faces new challenges such as COVID-19.

Further on, representatives from the field of sustainable mobility also presented their observations regarding mobility during COVID-19. Initially, Blaž Poženel (AMZS Motorevija) presented the research “Coronamobility”: mobility habits of Slovenes during COVID-19, with which they wanted to find out how the personal mobility of Slovenes changed during the pandemic. Gregor Cunder (Ljubljana Passenger Transport) continued, presenting the state of use of urban and interurban public transport during COVID-19 and pointed out that in 2020, 52% fewer passenger journeys were made by bus compared to the previous year. The selection of measures introduced in the City of Ljubljana was also presented by Tina Capek (MOL), who pointed out the observation of increased borrowing of the BicikeLJ system, the introduction of Klinko Kavalir and free parking in the city center during the pandemic.

The presented findings were followed by a discussion on the main impacts of mobility during COVID-19 on the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of the Ljubljana Urban Region, and further possibilities for improving and resilience of public passenger transport to situations such as the coronavirus pandemic.

The announcement of the event can be found here.