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Guidelines for promoting the integration of cultural and creative industries with other sectors

  • 24. 8. 2021

As part of the COCO4CCI project, we carried out key pilot project activities last year to connect creative industries with advanced manufacturing companies.

We approached the challenge in two ways: by individual connection of individual companies and creators, based on prior knowledge of the company and the creative entrepreneur, their nature of work and thinking, and the process we called “Creative Mission”.

The companies Plastika Skaza and Plastika Rupar and designers Andraž Rudi Vrhovšek (student of ALUO), Jernej Kropej (JJK Design), Andrej Kregar (Kreatif design d.o.o.), Jernej Koželj (Tak kolektiv) and Nina Malovrh. With their solutions, the designers responded to modern social challenges and impressed the representatives of companies. As part of the process, we also conducted a virtual event where companies presented production, technological and business frameworks. The information helped designers design imaginative and business-friendly solutions.

The pilot project also included educational content, in the trilogy “Hello, futures” we touched on new content and challenges for the future, we prepared lectures and a workshop on speculative design in collaboration with renowned American expert Phil Balagtas and professors at the Academy of Fine Arts in Split, Ivica Mitrović and Oleg Šuran.

In the coming period, based on the monitoring and evaluation carried out during the pilot project process, we will prepare a summary of important findings in the integration process and guidelines for promoting the integration of cultural and creative industries with other sectors.