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Life Cycle Assessment Voucher: Funding mechanism that can bring various benefits for SMEs

  • 20. 9. 2022

In the framework of the SYMBI peer-review workshop “EU Green Deal and CE Action Plan related funding mechanisms for promoting IS and CE” RRA LUR presented the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Voucher Scheme, which was selected as one of the main good practices, based on transferability. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Voucher is one of the fifteen vouchers that were set up by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and the Slovene Enterprise fund.

This voucher system has a high transferability potential as they present the simple incentives of a smaller value for SMEs, the procedure process is fast, and they are available throughout the whole year. The priority for transfer and the convincing factor is also the possibility to develop free assistance in preparing the application and claim to the SMEs through the national business support network that exists in EU states.

The voucher scheme presents the opportunity to promote the LCA as an internationally standardized methodology that enables Slovenian SMEs to quantify the environmental pressures related to goods and services, the environmental benefits, the trade-offs, and areas for achieving improvements considering the full life cycle of the product. The methodology reflects actual industrial process chains and provides valuable insights for businesses that can bring various benefits, and savings and lower the environmental impact.