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Shared mobility in the Ljubljana Urban Region

  • 15. 7. 2024

Like all European regions, the Ljubljana Urban Region is grappling with the persistent increase in motor traffic, primarily due to daily migrations driven by dispersed settlement patterns and centralization. To curb further growth and enhance the development of higher-quality public spaces, the region has committed to accelerating the development of sustainable mobility. A significant potential for change lies in the development of e-cycling and various shared mobility practices, which the Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region (RRA LUR) is currently exploring through the SMAPE project.

Sustainable mobility strives for efficient, equitable, and environmentally friendly transportation. It is based on walking, cycling, public transport, and shared mobility, all of which primarily require comprehensive transport planning. RRA LUR, which connects 25 municipalities, plans to develop a Comprehensive Transport Strategy for the region next year, upgrading the one from 2019. Simultaneously, it will also draft the first Regional Spatial Plan for LUR, ensuring that transport and spatial planning are finally conducted holistically and in harmony.

RRA LUR is also participating in the SMAPE project, where it exchanges experiences in shared mobility with partners from Germany, Italy, Romania, Greece, and Belgium. The goal is to encourage the emergence of new forms of so-called “on-demand” transport in local areas, ranging from car-sharing and (e-)bike-sharing to on-demand transport and other forms of ride-sharing.

Given the growing trend of e-bike users in the region and the potential of e-cycling for daily work commutes, RRA LUR has called on municipalities to develop and invest in a unified public e-bike sharing system, an idea that has been strongly supported. A pilot version of this system was already introduced in the municipality of Medvode (as shown in the image) under the European project SmartMOVE and will soon be implemented in at least three more municipalities in the LUR. The system will be gradually expanded based on demand, usage, and the acquisition of additional funds. It will operate with a unified information and payment system and allow rentals using the city card Urbana.

This project will enhance urban infrastructure, connect suburbs with the city center, and facilitate access to park-and-ride facilities, all of which will contribute to reducing car use and enabling more active mobility for residents.

The progress in shared mobility within the region will also be presented to the SMAPE project partners, as RRA LUR will host the first of five project summer academies this fall. An encouraging example of implementing a public e-bike system was already presented to our region by the Belgian transport region of Antwerp, which, in the first year of its system’s establishment, counted as many as 29,000 users.