RRA LUR awarded “CAF User” label
Minister of Public Administration Rudi Medved, together with State Secretary Mojca Ramšak Pešec and Director General of the Public Sector Directorate Peter Pogačar, has awarded labels to users of the CAF quality model in 2019. Among the 12 new organisations that participated in the project for the first time and were awarded a user label is the Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban region (RRA LUR).
The Ministry of Public Administration is the body responsible for introducing quality systems to public sector organisations and is particularly promoting the European CAF (Common Assessment Framework) model, which is already used by more than 4,000 public sector organisations across Europe. There are currently 95 users of the model in Slovenia. Awards were received by those organisations that carried out self-assessment and implemented the CAF improvements action plan last year.
Speaking at the ceremony, Minister of Public Administration Rudi Medved began by praising the label recipients and emphasising that today is a celebration because public administration is a good service to citizens. “All of us are working together for quality. I do not say that we are brilliant, that we do not make mistakes, that we are not still evolving, yet we cannot be satisfied with global assessments. It takes a lot of courage to submit to assessment and a great deal of self-confidence to undertake self-assessment and do it objectively. Self-assessment means looking for our own mistakes in order to become better. Yet this is not enough. Changes have to take place at micro-levels. The quality of public administration is not only measured by how we assess ourselves. Quality is also measured and grows through the modernisation of information systems, through training, including of management personnel, by improving competences, and so on. The most important things when it comes to quality are the response of the public and feedback that tells us that we are doing a good job. All of us are winners of this public administration. Let us be the driving factors of this public administration!”
Five “Effective CAF User” labels (the highest level) were awarded to organisations that last year took part in the first regular CAF process – external feedback – and received sufficient points from external assessors to obtain this label. Additionally, 21 organisations were awarded the “CAF User” label, which is an upgrade of the “CAF Beginner” label. The latter label was received by 12 organisations that carried out self-assessment for the first time, among them RRA LUR. “The CAF User label for RRA LUR and its staff means that we will endeavour at all levels to promote constant improvements and progress throughout the organisation. The fact that self-assessment is carried out by staff who, through their work and membership of the organisation, know its work better than anyone, and therefore can also identify areas where, in their opinion, improvements are necessary, is a significant advantage of the CAF model,” explained RRA LUR director Lilijana Madjar.
After congratulating all award recipients, Mr Medved concluded with these words: “Quality of services and citizen satisfaction are our two fundamental aims. We still have much work to do in order to achieve them.”
More information: Ministry of Public Administration