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Green Infrastructure Conference Announcement

  • 4. 5. 2016

On 17 May 2016 the international conference “Green Infrastructure – New Challenges for Urban Landscape Planning” will take place in Ljubljana, the European Green Capital 2016. The conference is organised jointly by the Slovenian Association of Landscape Architects (SALA) and the Department of Landscape Architecture, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, in cooperation with the City of Ljubljana – The European Green Capital 2016 and the Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region (RDA LUR) – TURAS project partner.

The conference aims to highlight the importance of strategic and comprehensive planning of green areas and, at the same time, to emphasize the beneficial role of green spaces for the quality of living environment, for climate change mitigation and for the upgrading of urban resilience, as well as the role of green spaces in the creation of social, cultural and economic values of the urban environment.

The conference is intended for wider professional audience and other interested public, particularly for municipal professional services and other administrative bodies planning and regulating green areas as well as leading decision-making processes concerning spatial development. The conference will take place in the Estate Hall at the Ljubljana Castle in Ljubljana. It will be held in the Slovenian and English languages with simultaneous translation into both languages. The conference is free of charge.

More information about the conference, the participants and the accompanying program in the First Announcement.

For any further information please contact