DiversE: Integration of bioDIVERSity conservation within bioEnergy production for a low-carbon energy mix in the Alpine region
Interreg Alpine Space
Project will address the conflicts between bioenergy production & biodiversity conservation by investigating under which conditions biomass can be a suitable energy opportunity for the Alps. This challenge particularly concerns regional/local authorities & energy actors from the Alpine Space (AS) who have to meet the binding targets of the Renewable Energy Directive (REDIII) and protect a fragile & unique ecosystem. To date, little effort has been made by individual regions to fully integrate EU biodiversity criteria into policies and practices supporting the bioeconomy. To change this, cooperation is essential to create an Alpine framework with local nuances, capable of delivering a unified approach to bioenergy sustainability. Therefore, DIVERSE will work with organisations with complementary expertise, setting the scene for the implementation of sustainable & biodiversity compatible bioenergy pathways in the AS. The project aims to strengthen the energy diversification approach by integrating biomass with sustainability and biodiversity criteria. To achieve this, the project partners (PPs) will rely on an open dialogue approach to support a holistic perspective, starting from local energy sources availability and final uses, to sustainable value creation. An Open Dialogue Toolkit will guide the establishment of a transnational pilot focusing on two key Alpine bioenergy & residue-based value chains, by activating Focus Labs in PPs’ regions. The joint work will provide Alpine Trajectories for sustainable & biodiversity-positive bioenergy routes. As a result, PPs will join efforts to update energy plans or strategies, management practices and bioenergy business models through the bottom-up integration of nature conservation concepts. During the 3-year cooperation, DIVERSE will contribute to accelerating the transition to a low-carbon energy mix in the AS, strengthening the role that sustainable bioenergy can play for energy sufficiency and net-zero emissions.
Expected project results:
- Overall analysis of key regional bioenergy valuechains in Alpine Space territories.
- Sustainability & biodiversity indicators set for bioenergy value-chains assessment.
- A protocol for an open dialogue between bioenergy and biodiversity actors and stakeholders.ž
- Pilot implementation plan.
- Pilot validation report.
- Draft of the Alpine Trajectories for sustainable and biodiversity positive bioenergy routes.
- Recommendations for policy makers.
Project partners:
- Research on the Energy System, Italy (IT)
- Piemonte Region, Italy (IT)
- Venetian agency for innovation in the primary sector – Veneto Agricoltura, Italy (IT)
- Lombardy Green Chemistry Association, Italy (IT)
- Public Institution Ljubljansko barje Nature park, Slovenia (SI)
- Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region, Slovenia (SI)
- Regional Union of the Communes forestières Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France (FR)
- 4ward Energy Research Ltd., Austria (AT)
- Landshut University of Applied Sciences, Germany (DE), TZE PP
- Italian-German Chamber of Commerce, Germany (DE)
Total budget: 2.809.781,50 EUR
Budget for RRA LUR: 255.500,00 EUR
Co-financing EU for RRA LUR (75 %): 191.625,00 EUR
Project duration:
September 1st 2024 – August 31st 2027
For more information follow https://alpine-space.eu/projects/diverse!